The Departments will adhere to Lok Sewa Guarantee Act (LSGA) 2011 to enforce the stipulated timelines for the service delivery.
Yes, citizen can re-open a grievance. The citizen has the choice to indicate whether they are satisfied or dissatisfied with the resolution offered for their grievance.
Every Department has designated a District Grievance Nodal Officer(DGNO) for a district. He / She is the nodal officer for redress of grievances to that particular Department. DGNO resolves the grievance and sends it to Department head for further resolution. Final resolution is provided by Department head.
It may be tracked on the Citizen Login using “Track Grievance Status” link and after providing unique grievance number.
The grievance is acknowledged online by department. A unique grievance number is given to each grievance.
The grievances can be lodged online on Citizen Login . Under “Feedback & Grievance,” one can view the scheme for which they have applied and file a grievance.
The grievances can be registered on Citizen Login